HKBMIA is Calling for Hong Kong's Life Science Stories 2023
Time of publication:JULY – DECEMBER 2023     Reading times:     Typeface:【LargeMiddleSmall

Re: Call for Stories - "Hong Kong Life Science Story 2023"

Dear Esteemed Members and Industry Associates,

We sincerely appreciate your unwavering trust in HKBMIA and great support for the recent "Hong Kong Life Science Story 2022". With a steady commitment to furthering the development of Hong Kong's life science industry, we are honored to announce the upcoming launch of "Hong Kong Life Science Story 2023". We cordially invite you to collaborate with us in creating yet another remarkable milestone in Hong Kong's life science industry.

We released our first edition of "Hong Kong Life Science Stories 2022" on July 16, 2022. This publication vividly portrayed the previous state, scientific research prowess, and policy support within Hong Kong's life science industry in 2022. We aimed to provide insights into the industry's landscape through the narratives of 30 life science innovation and entrepreneurship stories featuring local scientists and entrepreneurs, along with their social recognition and the supporting infrastructure. We have distributed these captivating stories to various institutions, including but not limited to the Office of the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government, the Hong Kong Innovation, Technology, and Industry Bureau, the Hong Kong Innovation and Technology Commission, the Hong Kong Food and Environmental Hygiene Department, Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks, The Chinese Manufacturers' Association of Hong Kong, as well as significant universities both domestically and internationally. We eagerly anticipate the continued publication and serialization of the "Hong Kong Life Science Stories" series, enabling a greater understanding of the innovative achievements and entrepreneurial endeavors in Hong Kong's life science field.

In addition, we have distributed approximately 3,000 physical copies and electronic versions of "Hong Kong Life Science Stories 2022" to our esteemed members along with relevant industry, academic, research, and governmental institutions across different countries and regions. The press conference for "Hong Kong Life Science Stories 2022," hosted by HKBMIA attracted extensive media coverage with over 55 live broadcasts and reports. This platform showcased Hong Kong's emerging life science industry and its immense development potential to industry professionals domestically and abroad. Enclosed is the live address of the "Hong Kong Life Science Story 2022" press conference for your review:

Members and industry associates Overseas: Click here

Members and industry associates in Mainland China: Click here


The story collection of "Hong Kong Life Science Stories 2023" requires the content of each story to include but not limited to:

First, the stories covered by the "Hong Kong Life Science Story 2023" should include fields from AI Medical, Biopharmaceuticals, Diagnosis, Healthcare, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Biomedical Services, etc.

Second, the content of each life science story will be required to include but not be limited to:

Company Name

Company Background

Company R&D and Management Team

Company Project Introduction and Information

The Uniqueness of Company Projects & Technology

Was there recently a considerable breakthrough in the company's project/technology

Is the project/technology a market first, a replacement for existing technology, etc

The impact of the project/technology in terms of promoting and supporting the life science industry

Whether the company's project/technology currently enjoys the support of university resources, government support programs, support from other social institutions, etc.

Third, in addition to the text of your/your company's "Hong Kong Life Science Story", the materials submitted by you/your company should also include but not be limited to the following materials (if any):

Company logo

Photos of R&D and Management Team

Relevant charts of company products, scientific research/core technology product diagrams, etc.

Fourth, submission requirements:

Word Count: Chinese version: 2500 - 3000 words, English version: 1500 - 2000 words

Image or diagram requirements: All image types should be submitted in PPTx format in high definition (>72 DPI)

How to submit:

Please submit your story in Microsoft Word format (Doc, Docx) to our HKBMIA Secretariate via email to

Submission deadline:

July 31, 2023 (late submitted Hong Kong Life Science Stories will not be considered)

Fifth, the cost:

Members of the Association: fee waiver

Non-members: HKD 5,000.00

We will complete the review within seven working days after the deadline, and notify you whether your application is approved. If you have any inquiries, please contact our Secretariat (email:, telephone: +852 6936 5328 / +86 15012527414)

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